The Piip-Show is a three months long live broadcast from the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, NRK.
“Piip-Show – live broadcasting of blue tits, great tits, nuthatches and other birds What goes on in a birds world?” is the way how NRK presents the show.
In the show which was originally made in 2003, you have the chance to follow life inside a bird feeder decorated as a coffee bar – second by second. Nowadays NRK started to live broadcast the parts of the show with Alltid sammenhjerte-skyggehjerte (Always together hashtag) nowadays and thousands of people commenting while watching the “show”.
You can watch clips, photos and read more here on, see the 14-hour live broadcast from NRK2.
The show was made in 2003, and the mastermind behind the project, freelance photographer Magne Klann, received attention from international audience including the British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC and Vice.