Last month, Ministry of Justice has granted permission to arm the uniformed police for four weeks. The ground of the proposal was the threat assessment from PST which identifies soldiers and police as potential terrorist targets.
The debate about armament has heated since the conservative government announced that they would “leave the decision of general armament to the police districts” .
55 percent against the armament
NRK has carried out a survey exploring whether Norwegian people want police should always carry guns? “
55 percent of 1000 participants expressed their opposition to the permenant armament proposal, while 38 percent of respondents said that they would like a general allowance for carrying gun for uniformed police.
NRK survey shows that FRP voters are the most positive about the armament idea. 74 percent of FrP voters are supporting the proposal. On the other hand, 81 percent of SV – and Liberal voters are against it.
Labour Party’s justice policy spokesman Hadia Tajik believes the result of the survey is a defeat for Justice Minister FrP politician Anders Anundsen and the current bourgeois government in Norway, writes NRK.
The deadline for the proposal on temporary arming of police expires on 19 December. Police Directorate has previously stated that it may be necessary to request extension of the armament permission after the first four weeks if the threat level remains unchanged.
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