
Airplane Accidents Having Shaken Norway in Last 10 Years

Norwegian daily, VG listed the most tragic airplane crashes in Norway in which 18 people were killed in last 10 years:

15 March 2012: Five people died when a Hercules aircraft crashed in the peak of Kebnekaise in northern Sweden. It is uncertain what caused the accident. 

4 July 2011: Five people died when a helicopter crashed during landing near Ullensvang municipality. 

20 March 2008: A Russian helicopter crashed during landing at Svalbard. Three people were killed. 

10 October 2006: A plane ran off the runway at Stord Airport. The plane crushed into a cliff and caught fire . Four were killed. 

4 august 1999: A man died when a self-built aircraft crashed at Hokksund. 

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