– We have had very strong focus on selling sex from flats. What we are seeing since last summer is that there is a clear shift towards the hotels, "said Øyvind North Garen from the Oslo police.
Switchboard in Russia and East Europe
According to NRK report, there is an increase of Russian and East European prostitutes. They travel to Norway in a group, while the pimps usually are left and keep the control of the business from home. Ads on the Internet often provide a number to a switchboard in Russia. Perpetrators have an overview of women's travel routes and available hours and disseminates information to the potential customers.
Easy Money in Norway
One woman told to NRK that to quit is not an alternative because it is good money in Norway. The police record also verifies this statement. Police have seizured several "accounting books" in hotel rooms. They show the income of 120,000 in just ten days.
Eventhough some hotels try to fight by having their own security people who undercover agent for sex ads, police deny to give personal information to the hotels.No hotels want to comment on the growing sex trade at Norwegian hotels. They fear a negative reputation.
law against Prostituion in Norway
Sex-consumer law was introduced on 1 January 2009 and makes it illegal to buy, but not to sell sex in Norway. But the women who sell sex have often difficulty to check in at hotels although their actions are not illegal according to the law.
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