The suspects were stopped on E -18 in the northern side of Vestfold by police. The arrest occurred without resistance. The five , four men and one woman , are all Romanian citizens between 23 and 36 years.
We have reason to believe that this group is behind a number of serious theft and robbery in the previous week , “said the police inspector, Kjell Johan Abrahamsen. He noted there are similarities between the events that took place in Follo, Nannestad , Eidsvoll , Asker and Bærum and Andebu municipality in Vestfold this week.
Police in Vestfold received notification that an elderly man in Vive City was approached by several unknown men who asked for water in a water bottle. This was the same method used in several of the earlier robbery and serious theft cases.
A dark BMW has been observed in several of the incidents.
The police also believe that the group has tried to acquire the assets of more individuals than the issues reported to police. Abrahamsen encourages any other aggrieved party , which has been visited by unknown persons of Romanian origin who have asked for water , to contact their local police.