
Stoltenberg Regains His Popularity

According to the poll by Sentio for ​​Nationen, stoltenber’s popularity has increased by 2.5 percent since last measurement, while his competitor, Erna Solberg has lost 3.1 percent support. The same poll shows that 38 percent of women would like to see Stoltenberg as prime minister, while the majority of men support Solberg 

Election researcher at the University of Tromsø, Markus Buck thinks the pattern is not just about the candidates, but also people’s voting habits. Most of the women votes for the left, while men most of the time votes for the right. 

On the other hand, Progress Party leader Siv Jensen receives the support of 4.3 percent of respondents, 0.9 percent choose Christian Democrat Knut Arild Hareide, 0.3 percent want Audun Lysbakken from Socialist Left Party, while only 0.2 percent believe the country should be ruled by coalition member Senter Partiet’s president Liv Signe.

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