FrP (Progress Party) ’s central executive committee member, Listhaug had proposed that the crime rate in Norway has tenfolded since 1960. She had also claimed Norway surpassed the USA in the crime rate. In her article published on Norwegian daily, Aftenposten, she had reported that there were 101 registered crimes per 1000 inhabitants in Norway , compared to 41 crimes in the United States in 2000. Listhaug had attributed the difference in the crime trend in these two countries to an effective police force , longer sentences and longer prisoning in the USA.
Norway is a Paradise for Criminals
In the article, Listhaug had also noted that the difference is thanks to the U.S.’s focus on protecting victims and potential victims , not protecting and excusing the perpetrators unlike in Norway and she had concluded Norway has developed into a paradise for criminals from around the world and the country is on the wrong way.
After these claims took place in the national media, the police published a response to Listhaug’s claims. The response published on police’s official website clarified the numbers and figures she used in her claims. The police wrote that FBI Crime index used as a reference by the FrP’s politician is prepared to show trends in the serious crimes in the US. The numbers on even this list was claimed to be misinterpreted by Sylvi Listhaug. It was noted that the numbers on the list increase to its highest level – and then decrease in certain periods. The numbers in the United States in this sense has not decreased each year since 1973, when it was looked from a holistic way.
Definition of Criminal Offenses is Different in two Countries
The police also pointed Norway does not prepare an equivalent crime index to FBI’s.”- Sylvi Listhaug must therefore have taken the figures for all registered reviews in Norway and compared this with the FBI 's figures for the United States. Norwegian figures include a significant number of offenses that are not included in the FBI 's index. When she compares the figures for the number of registered rates of reviews . capita in Norway with the FBI's crime index, her conclusions about the crime in Norway and the United States would be different”, written on the police’s website.
Sylvi Listhaug was also accused of criminalizing political opinions. “- She must of course be able to indicate where and when she wants it. But she can hardly find evidence for his points, using figures from the Norwegian official statistics”, concluded the response.
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