Norwegian accounting firm Kallesten Revisjon og Regnskap pays its employees for every kilometer they cycle to and from work. An increasing number of jobs are now attempting to be approved as “bicycle-friendly” in Norway.
20 employees of the company receive an extra payment from the employer if they use a bicycle for commuting. The rate is now four kroner and three cents (50 cent) per kilometer.
According to NRK, one of the employees bikes to and from work 14 kilometers each way. It gives him over NOK 112 (13 USD) each day in “bicycle bonus”.
–By cycling I save on gas and tolls, and I exercise as well, says Bjørn Gausland to NRK.
–The company manager Herbjørn Vestvik bikes every day ten kilometers each way.I have figured out the total saving for me is NOK 50-60 000 (6800 USD) a year. This includes compensation and saved expenses for car use, says Vestvik to NRK.
Kallesten Revisjon og Regnskap is now trying to be certified as a bicycle-friendly workplace by the Cyclists’ National Association (Syklistenes Landsforening). To be so, the company needs to provide good conditions for employees who cycle to work.
–We have improved our facilities for bicycle parking, we have a fitness room, the possibility to wash and maintain bicycles. We try to do everything we can to facilitate cycling, says general manager Herbjørn Vestvik.
29 workplaces with a total 7,000 employees are currently certified by the Cyclists’ National Association as bicycle-friendly in Norway.