
Norwegian Mocks SAS’s Controversial Copied Scandinavian Culture Ad with Its Timely Sharing on Facebook

Norway’s low-cost airline, Norwegian wittingly mocks SAS’s video, which received strong reactions from offended Scandinavians. The company shares a post this morning with an illustration of famous Norwegian invention, cheese slicer (ostehøvelen) and adds:

“Fortunately, nobody can take away the cheese slicer (from us)”,

referring to SAS’s ad stating that everything in Scandinavian culture was copied from somewhere else.

The SAS video starts with asking “What is really Scandinavian?”, with video images of typically Scandinavian elements such as meatballs, and Danish design. And then the answer comes:

“Absolutely nothing”. The video states that everything Scandinavian is copied from somewhere else.

[news 17383]

SAS competitor, Norwegian’s reaction to the video is well liked by the customers.

Heldigvis kan ingen ta fra oss ostehøvelen❤️

Publisert av Norwegian Onsdag 12. februar 2020

About Cheese Slicer (Ostehøvelen)

The cheese slicer is a tool that makes many Norwegian proud and has played an important role in Norwegian food culture.

It was invented in 1925 by the Norwegian carpenter Thor Bjørklund (1889-1975). He was irritated that he couldn’t get good cheese slices with a normal knife.

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