A recent report from Proba samfunnsanalyse confirms that young Norwegians with immigrant background benefit from social assistance less than ethnic Norwegian youths.
While 1.2 per cent of this group receives social assistance, the figure is 1.6 per cent for Norwegians without immigrant background.
“This is interesting but not surprising finding,” says Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Anniken Hauglie (H) to NRK.
The motivation for seeking jobs among young immigrant background Norwegians is influenced by the public perception about immigration and unemployment, according to NRK.
– Because we do not want anyone to think we came here just to get social assistance, but we want to work, 20-year-old Tasbih Hindi says to NRK.
The report “Social Assistance Expenses – Driving Power and Measures” is commissioned by The Norwegian Association of Local and Regional Authorities (KS).
Municipalities, want to reduce the costs of social assistance, which is increasing every year. There has been a sharp increase of 38 per cent in social assistance expenses from 2012 to 2016.
General immigrant population makes up a large part of the social beneficiaries.