“A new propaganda period” might be waiting at the doors, warns the international organization for freedom of information, Reporters Without Borders, according to NRK. The latest overview of press freedom in 180 countries shows that the situation is grave.
The five countries which scored best at the freedom of press are Finland, the Netherlands and Norway, followed by Denmark and New Zealand.
Meanwhile, press freedom “loosers” this year are quite predictably China, Syria, Turkmenistan, North Korea and Eritrea.
While this year the conditions of press freedom were worsened in general in all parts of the world, the most significant challenge was faced by Latin America.
The World Press Freedom Index ranks countries according to the following criteria: the media’s independence, self-censorship, rule of law, transparency and adverse conditions for journalists. The head of Reporters Without Borders Christophe Deloire comments to NRK: “Aggravation is present in all the spheres. Authorities in several countries are trying to regain control of their countries and fear to face the open public debate”.
The pressure from governments and businesses causes the significant decline in press freedom around the world today, which raises serious concern about the need to defend journalists.