A majority in Norwegian Parliament wants to explore the possibility of introducing dual citizenship for Norwegian residents.
Currently, Norway is the only Nordic country that does not allow their citizens to have dual citizenship. This, however, may soon change, writes VG. On Thursday The Committee on Local Government and Public Administration asked the government to consider the issue.
This was the initiative of two liberal parties – Liberal (Venstre) and Social Liberal (SV) – to remove the unique Norwegian ban on dual citizenship, which they offered to the Parliament last autumn.
– I hope the government will quickly return to the Parliament with a proposal to allow dual citizenship, comments the politician from Liberal Party Sveinung Rotevatn.
There are a number of European countries which have recently allowed dual citizenship, the latest of them Denmark last year.
– It is time for Norway to follow, argues Rotevatn and shows that globalization led to the situation where more and more Norwegians often live all over the world, and many of them already have families abroad.
In addition, many Norwegian children today have parents with citizenships of different countries.
Nowadays, if a Norwegian citizen applies for the citizenship in another country, he’s forced to relinquish his Norwegian citizenship. Similarly, foreigners applying for citizenship in Norway lose their original citizenship.
If the government and the Parliament working together will approve the dual citizenship, Norway will no longer be the only country in Scandinavia retaining such strict rules concerning citizenship.