
KrF Agrees to Send Prisoners in Norway to the Netherlands

Previously, the Government proposed to rent 242 prisoner cells in Dutch prison in five years. External supporter of the government, KrF decides to support the proposal, writes Aftenposten referring to Vårtland.

In return, Christian Democrats demand the government to increase capacity of prisons in Norway.

– We must solve the challenges Norway has in correctional services. We must prevent people who should have been detained to be released. Therefore, KrF agrees to rent prison places in the Netherlands in the next five years, while building out atonement capacity in Norway, says Kjell Ingolf Ropstad from KrF.

According to the agreement between the Netherlands and Norway, the first prisoners will be sent in summer of 2015.

The rented prison is located in town Veenhuizen, northern Netherlands. It will be operated as a subdivision of Ullersmo Prison in Norway and get a Norwegian director, but with Dutch employees.

– I hope that this summer we can begin sending prisoners to the Netherlands. It is first and foremost for people with long sentences. It can also be a transition zone for foreign prisoners  who has a deportation decision, says Justice Minister.

The proposal to send Norwegian prisoners to the Netherlands was first presented last year, and in late November the Ministry of Justice confirmed that there was an ongoing negotiations for the lease of prison.

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