Every student has their own access card to make use of everything from the schools library to the toilets. When the students swipe their card, person, time and place gets registered and saved for 90 days, writes the local newspaper Bergens Tidene.
With this system, the University can track all of the students´ movements. The tracking was first used to prevent drug addicts access to the schools facilities. The school themselves say that the students are informed about the registration of movements, but several students feel that they have been deceived. Now they demand an apology from the university administration.
Law student Peter Haraldsen believes that this type of spying is illegal. He demands the University to stop logging their students´ movements.
The University is required to report this system to The Norwegian Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) every third year. The rector of Bergen University Dag Runde Olsen now admits that this notification obligation has not been followed, but that the school has informed the students about the system earlier.
The Norwegian Data Protection Authority says that Bergen University might have crossed an illegal path, because the cards registers movements without asking the student to verify it with a pin code.
Datatilsynet now questions the university whether they failed to informat the students and why the school registers the student’s movement, and how long the information gets saved.
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