
Six Out of Ten Norwegians Support Buying Sex Ban

According to the survey, 65 percent said they support the ban on buying sex. 20 percent say they oppose the ban. Looking at the party preferences, it turns out that 53 percent of the Progress Party (FrP) voters want to keep the current ban on buying sex. 56 per cent of Conservative (Høyre) voters support the ban. Also, 62 percent of Liberal (Venstre) voters want to keep the ban. Another government supporting party Christian Democrats (KrF) voters believes the current ban must be maintained with a record 81 percent support.

In the Declaration on Cooperation with the coalition government between the four bourgeois parties, Frp, Høyre, Venstre and KrF had agreed the sex-purchase law to be evaluated. It is known that the Conservative Party, Progress Party and the Liberals will make it legal to buy sex. 

Since January 1, 2009, prostitution in Norway is illegal in that paying for sex is a crime (the client commits a crime by purchasing sex. The Norwegian law prohibiting the buying of sexual services (sexkjøpsloven) came into effect, following the passing of new legislation by the Norwegian parliament (Storting) in November 2008. Soliciting and advertising are also illegal under the Norwegian Criminal Code (Straffeloven).

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