Almost 70 years ago, the United States and Britain have agreed to keep confidential information about chemical weapons which were dumped in Norway after the second world war. The information can help Norwegian authorities to handle hazardous substances, writes NRK.
Just after World War II, very large amounts of dangerous chemical weapons were dumped in the ocean. Outside Arendal, tons of huge flybomber of 250 kg filled the ocean floor with the very dangerous chemical warfare agent mustard gas.
Now it turns out that information on the dumping may have been kept secret on purpose from those who actually conducted it. Allies through NATO, the United Kingdom and the United States should have put a lid on information that could be important for the handling of chemical warfare agents for environmental and security reasons.
Both countries should have records of dumping, but the archives are military and graded.
– Archives of the sort can make it easier for us to find out where they are located. It is therefore useful to have such information about where they were dumped, says senior John Aasulf at the Norwegian Defence Research Establishment (FFI).
FFI has repeatedly examined the ocean floor in the Skagerrak with sonar and ROV to find possible chemical agents but the Norwegian authorities admit that there is no complete and accurate records of where the wrecks of the chemical warfare agents are located.
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