
Telenor summons global youth leaders to Oslo

Telenor’s inaugural Telenor Youth Summit is a gathering of leaders from the millennial generation – young people born into technology who now use it to effect social change. The summit strives to use the collective wisdom of these societal leaders to address social and economic challenges through mobile technology, such as how mobile phones and Internet fuel growth, bring change and create opportunities for all. Each Telenor business unit will invite two people between the ages of 18 and 25 to attend.

Telenor to collaborate with the Nobel Peace Centre

The summit will be hosted in collaboration with the Nobel Peace Center, one of Telenor’s strategic sponsorships. The event will coincide with the Nobel Peace Prize event in December.

“Nobel laureates often share a passion for changing their societies and making the world a better place. We believe communication technology to be critical in achieving the societal growth and development for which these laureates strive. Now, in cooperation with our friends at the Peace Center, we are inviting youth leaders of the world to Oslo for a summit, where we will explore how mobile phones are a catalyst for growth and development,” said Anita Valaker, SVP and Head of Telenor Group Event and Expo – the team responsible for the Nobel Peace Center sponsorship.

Voicing the wisdom of our youth

The outcome of the summit’s exchange will be on display at the Nobel Peace Center and at Mobile World Congress in Barcelona early 2014. The ideas will also be widely shared throughout Telenor Group and other channels.

The event will be packed with social activities and great opportunities to meet with inspirational, international leaders and opinion makers from an array of fields, both from the Nobel Peace Center and from the Telenor Group.

Currently, each of our business units is in the process of identifying and nominating two candidates to be announced in October.

Candidates selected based on their ideas, opinions and engagement

The selection of the participants from each country will be based on their societal engagement and the prominence of their voice in their communities. They are social entrepreneurs with ideas that will positively impact their local community, country or society at large. They are passionate catalysts for change. It is the attitude, demonstrated engagement and the idea that count, not necessarily their academic achievements.

The summit has already attracted a great deal of attention in Bangladesh.  Grameenphone was the first to launch its promotional activities for the Youth Summit. The company is organizing an “Idea Hunt” competition to select the participants, using communication tools such as social media and a press conference.

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