
Staff from Statoil’s Oil Platform was Evacuated in the Norwegian Sea

According to Ola Anders Schaub, the spokesman of the
company, one of the ballast tanks of the platform began to take water,
resulting in a roll of 4 degrees.

To date, the platform is aligned – second ballast water tank
is filled. However the company rated the degree of risk as high and prepared
for evacuation of the staff to the shore. All of the staff temporarily left
“Floatel Superior” and is located on the neighboring production
platform “Njord A”, resque boats got ready. According to the
statements from “Statoil”, six helicopters and several ships of Coast
Guard are involved in the operation. The representative from Statoil also noted
that the last few weeks repair work was carried out on the platform, so the
accident will not affect oil production.

The platform that could be run simultaneously by up to 440
people, was built in 2010 at a shipyard in Singapore. It is designed for use in
the most adverse weather conditions, including the year-round operation in the
North Sea.

It should be noted that the average volume of production at
Floatel Superior this year was 15 thousands barrels of oil and 1.55 billion
cubic meters of gas per day.

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