Norwegian Police Security Service(PST) has evidence that a number of countries are active in spying on refugees in Norway, according to NRK. Chief of PST, Martin Bernsen says that there are several countries that actively engage in espionage activities in Norway.
Bernsen also noted the scope and increase of these kinds of cases are related to the number of exile groups located in Norway. He said they are actively working to fight refugee espionage, but stressed that they rely on tips from the public.
– These are communities that are not readily available and we are dependent on those who are exposed to such activities reported to the police. We rely on tips so that we can investigate what this is all about, whether it is a refugee espionage or else, says Bernsen.
Monitoring and Controlling
PST’s definition of refugee espionage includes foreign intelligence activities directed against foreigners in Norway. One of the methods they use is to contact with some of the refugees from their own country in Norway.
About the Espionage Case
PST has arrested a Sudanese man in Trondheim, suspected of spying on refugees from Sudan. The police believe the man was collecting information about refugees from Sudan who live in Norway, and sharing the information to the authorities in Sudan.