According to TV2, Policy Security Service (PST) has initiated an investigation after a person claims to be second in command of the organization Knights Templar Norway.
After TV 2 revealed that the security service has recently been informed about an e-mail sent to several people – including several prominent politicians – in which the sender claims he is the cell number two in the Behring Anders Breivik’s alleged terrorist network.
Afterward, PST has focused on identifying the sender of the email.
In the email, “deputy commander” of the terrorist organization begins as the following:
– I hereby present myself as cell and two deputy commander of the Norwegian reistance movement. I, with my soldiers will all due respect to our people, our culture and our ethnicity warn all advocates of multiculturalism against this war we are now so deeply in.
The sender also wrote that the organization will continue their heinous acts the way to the Norwegian and European people wake from psychosis and brain washing. – Now it’s time for us and our commander Breivik get recognition in the political picture in Norway and Europe, wrote the sender.
In Breivik’s trial, the forensic psychiatric experts and police units had concluded that the organization Knights Templar in all probability does not exist.
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