– We want the most open debate when it comes to working against the terrorist actions. Therefore we send a broad consultative input from the relevant local security services to combat terrorism, said the Justice and public safety minister Grete Faremo.
Faremo also emphasized that it is important to find the right balance between privacy, freedom and security.
One of questions submitted for consultation is whether to introduce a separate offense rule for those who are planning terrorist acts alone without connection of organized terrorist groups.
Another issue is whether to participate in terrorist training and possessing objects and information in order to commit future acts of terrorism should be criminalized. A separate question is whether membership in terrorist organizations should be made punishable.
In the consultation paper, the Government also addressed the more general issue whether or to what extent the criminal provisions should apply to acts committed abroad.
One of the most striking point in the consultation paper is the question of whether there should be stricter punishment for organized crime (like “mafia” and “gangs”).
The deadline of circulation is 1 November 2012.