After one week strike in public sector, two leading labor unions, LO and YS agreed with the government on Friday evening. Another major labor organization, Union, however, has not accepted the proposal and alerted escalation of the strike.
Minister of Government Administration and Reform Rigmor Aaserud said he is pleased to have been able to agree with the majority of the unions after long negotiation process.
Unlike the other major unions, Union found the state’s offer insufficient. Neither the frame nor the profile of the offer was acceptable for Union.
– Union showed willingness and went into voluntary mediation with a clear goal to contribute to a solution. The government has shown very little willingness to move, says chief negotiator in Union. Arne Johannessento TV2.
About Union
Unio is Norway’s second largest confederation of professional unions for employees, with 300,000 members. Unio represents ten individual unions. Members have a university or college education. Most members work in the public sector. Anders Folkestad is Unio’s president.