
Norwegian Newspapers’ Headlines

Dagsavisen continues to cover the 22 July trial with an interview of a couple who lost their daughter in Utøya massacre. The title of the article is “Pain Still Comes”. The parents of Isabel Victoria Green Sogn expect tough days during the trials. – We can never be well enough prepared for this, says the father to the newspaper.

17 year old Isabel was shot and killed by Behring Anders Breivik when she tried to hide in Utøya 22 juli. Yesterday her family met the terrorist Breivik for the first time in Oslo City Court to hear mass murder ‘own words about why he did and what he did. The newspaper writes how hard it was for the family.

After long discussions of alcohol ban in the parliement and warning from Norwegian Health Directorate last week, VG carries the issue to the front page in detail. The title of the main story of the newspaper is “We drink more alcohol on weekdays: Test whether you are at risk”.

In the detail of the article, it is reported that half of Norwegians drink alcohol everyday, and depression and anxiety is the first danger signs of consuption of alcohol.

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