In the future, people will receive mail from the state institutes through a digital mailbox and be notified by sms or e-mail.
– The digital mailbox will, in contrast to regular e-mail, satisfy government’s security requirements. One digital mailbox will make it easier because users do not have to deal with multiple digital boxes when they receive e-mail from the administration. All mails is collected in one place. At the same time it will reduce state costs by sending paper mail, said Minister of Government Affairs Rigmor Aasrud.
People will be alerted by SMS or e-mails to their personal email addresses, when they receive letters in the digital mailbox. SMS and e-mail can also be used to warn about simple information such as appointments or deadlines.
– You will be able to record how you or your company would prefer to be contacted by the administration. The contact information will be gathered in one place, in a contact registry. That way you do not have to enter your email address and phone number several times to different parts of the administration, said Aasrud.