Marie Madeleine Larsen – aka Maria Kristoffersen was picked up by Vestfold police at a hotel in Sandefjord on 15 March at the request of a police district in southern Norway, where she is prosecuted for fraud for a short time ago. Larsen has been convicted in Oslo District Court for false review, 14 serious fraud cases, two attempts at extortion, three counts of defamation and four cases of reckless conduct. Accordingly, she was sentenced to one year in prison, one year of treatment by a psychotherapist and one year suspended sentence.
Here are some of the cases she was found guilty of:
1. The tram stop, Aker Brygge, 2 July 2010: she borrowed 500 NOK from a woman by saying that she had been robbed of his wallet.
2. Hair salon in Kongsberg, 3 September 2010: She did not pay 750 NOK to a hairdresser by telling she was ill and she would bring the money next day.
3. The bus stop at Gullhaugveien, Oslo 13 September 2010: She borrowed 200 NOK in cash from a taxi driver by telling that she had forgotten his wallet – and introduced herslef as a doctor from the National Hospital and the Radium Hospital.
4. Lindebergåsen, Oslo, 24 September 2010: She borrowed 600 NOK borrowed from a man for a train ticket to Sweden under the pretext that his son had run off her wallet in the car. She again contacted with the lender by telling a medical history.
5. Motel at Svinesund, 19 December 2010 – 4 January 2011: She stayed at a motel for several days without paying.
6. Munkelia subway station, Oslo 28 December 2010: She borrowed 1.100 NOK from a priest by telling she had forgotten her wallet.
7. Hotel in Sarpsborg, 2 – 4 January 2011: She left an unpaid bill of 2057 NOK by promising to pay “the next day” because her son was dead and she had forgotten wallet.
8. Halden, 8 January 2011: She borrowed 500. While asking for money from a woman, she told that she was a psychiatric nurse who worked with drug abusers and two of the clients had just stolen her wallet.
9. The Salvation Army in Tistedal, 9 January 2011: 1.000 NOK was borrowed from a salvation soldier with the promise that she would pay back on 13 January. She told the lender that she was penniless because she had helped drug abusers.
10. Høvikveien, Bærum, 16 april 2011: 1.200 NOK was borrowed by Larsen under the guise that she was without wallet and mobile phone.
11. Aurskog-Høland: She bought clothes for 3145 NOK with the promise to pay within two days. She said she was buying the clothes for her patients at hospital.
12. Oslo, 4 December 2011: She borrowed money from a nun to stay at hotel. She borrowed the money by saying that her son was involved in a serious traffic accident, she or her son would pay back the next day. Amount was not stated in the indictment.
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