
Today’s Headlines from Norwegian Newspapers

VG’s main story is the new statements of the grandmother of Christopher Gjerstad Kihle, who was tortured and killed by her stepfather on 2 February 2005. was terrified to go home just before he died. 

During the court yesterday, she said that her grandson would not be home with her mother two days before he died. She also said that his stepfather threatened her.

The child’s stepfather was in 2008 sentenced in Tønsberg District Court to six years imprisonment for bodily harm resulting in death under particularly aggravating circumstances. In the appeal in the Agder Court of Appeal, his sentence was incread to eight years imprisonment. 

Christoffer’s mother was later charged with passive complicity in violence resulting his death. Criminal case was originally scheduled in Tønsberg from 7th District Court December 2011, but was postponed until yesterday.

Another front page story is yesterday’s political shock in Socialist Left Part (SV). SV politician and former party leader Erik Solheim as the government minister in charge of Environmental and foreign aid issues leaves the his post against his will.

Another experienced SV politician and Minister of Higher education  Tora Aasland is also forced to leave her post to usher in a new generation of SV politicians in the cabinet.

One of the stories on the front page of Dagsavisen is the shake-up in SV. According to the article, the most experienced politicians of the party, Tora Aasland (Minister of Higher education and Research) and Erik Solheim (Minister of  Enviroment) are forced to leave their posts to open up positions for the newly elected top members of their party.

The main story is the abrupt support for Progress Party (FrP). According to the latest poll, the party increases its votes by 6.3 percentage points to 17 percent. While other parties have goofed ,the voters seems to have forgotten the Progress Party scandals, according to election scholars. FrP had lost a serious level of support after 22 July terrorist attacks due to their anti-immigrant policies.

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