Dagsavisen criticizes the court’s decision about Breivik on its front page. The headline of the newspaper is Only 119 0f 889 of the people whom Breivik tried to kill were included in the indicment.
In the detail of the article, it is reported how murder indictment against Anders Breivik Behring arouses deep disappointment among the survivors of the terrorist attack. Dagsavisen writes that many who survived the attack without being physically damaged, will live with the anxiety and trauma in their entire lives, but Breivik is not hold accountable for this crime.
Read more about the court decision
Prosecutors said they consider the 33-year-old right-wing extremist psychotic and will seek a sentence of involuntary commitment to psychiatric care instead of imprisonment.
VG continues to feature the narcotic case of 50-ear-old Conservative MP, Henning Warloe. The headline of the newspaper is “The Police Suspects Drug Trade in Warloe’s House”. The article claims that Henning Warloe’s house may have been used as a depot where drugs were traded.
Two days ago, the Parliamentary Representative was charged with the storage and use of drugs after police found several bags of drugs in a cup that was placed in a bookcase in Warloe’s apartment.
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