
Video Maker is Handled Like Breivik

The man who prepared a hate video against the Norwegian politicians due to Norway's presence in Afghanistan was arrested in Skien.

The police reported that the man is a 21-year-old Norwegian citizen, originally from Central America. The man, who lives in Skien, has been arrested in connection with the hate video which was published online this week. The video contained threats against both the royal family and several of the government.

The man was arrested at his residence by the Police Security Service (PST) and crews from Telemark Police District.

The man, who is a Norwegian citizen, was questioned on Thursday in connection with the video. He is currently charged with violation of Penal Code section 99, threats to the officials and section 147c, incitement to terrorism.

Norway’s total military engagement in Afghanistan is significant. It is contributing almost 700 soldiers to the NATO-led ISAF force, including in the form of a Quick Reaction Force stationed in Mazar-e-Sharif, the Norwegian-led Provincial Reconstruction Team in Meymaneh and a unit of Special Forces in the Kabul area. 

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