
Strengthened Norwegian-Russian Cooperation

The working group focuses primarily on cooperation between the three northernmost counties in Norway and the regions in northwestern Russia. The working group is now working actively to follow up the Joint Declaration on the strengthening of the Norwegian-Russian border cooperation which was signed by Foreign Ministers Støre and Lavrov on 2 November, 2010. Lind and Travnikov have together signed a work plan with a number of specific measures in nine main areas of cooperation as a follow-up of a joint statement.

– The meeting in Bodø was very constructive. We agree to appoint an ad-hoc sub-group to examine opportunities for closer cooperation between Norway and Russia on the construction of a new common border station at Storskog / Borisoglebsk, says Lind.

There is agreement in both Norwegian and Russian side about the current situation with limited opening hours and long queues' inhibitory nature to the development of industrial cooperation. Last year, 140 000 border crossings across the Norwegian-Russian border were recorded. This year, it is estimated to be 180,000 and by 2015 400,000 border crossings are expected.

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