
Online Visa Application Reduces Waiting Time

In 2010, Norwegian embassies received 143,000 visa and 18,000 residence applications. In avarage. an embassy processed 100-450 applications a day. With the solution, " Application Online "can be used almost for all recording application for visas, residence permits and citizenship on the internet.

– Application on the Internet enbales you to register your visa application whereever you are, whenever you want without having to wait in line. It reduces the waiting time for the applicant and provide a more effective treatment of all types of applications, says the Foreign Minister.

Using online application reduced the processing time for foreign missions because the applicants do most of the work themselves. The applicant pays the fee online and make appointments at embassies or at the police station to deliver the documents necessary for application to be processed. This means that the waiting time for them to deliver an application for a visa at an embassy in some cases falls from several hours to less than 15 minutes.

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