– It is gratifying to see that there has been a positive development in the number of Norwegian students going abroad for the last two academic years after several years of decline. Students acquire the skills having high relevance to employment and community life , “says Research and Higher Education Minister, Tora Aasland.
Bachelor's degree Most Popular
Most Norwegian students who travel abroad in the period of study, take some part or all of their bachelor's degree outside of Norway. While there were 12.194 bachelor students, 7.778 Norwegian students took a degree at master level on abroad.
– These figures show that we should give priority to graduate students at master level and part-time students through study grants. The Parliament is currently examining a white paper on the internationalization of education. I wish more students in Norway have their study on abroad. In addition, I hope more people to take education at master level in other countries, because it provides high academic outcomes, “says Aasland.
More take full education in the U.S. and Majority Return Home
Figures from the Loan Fund also shows that there is a positive trend in terms of Norwegian students in the U.S. The number of students taking a full degree in the United States increased from 913 to 1013 in one year. At the same time a new report indicates that 8 of every ten students return to Norway after completing their studies.
– It is positive that a large percentage of these students return home. It is a strength for the Norwegian society. These people with high skills contribute to the to Norwegian working life. This is also an indicator for the attractiveness of living and working in Norway, even for highly educated workers who have established ties with other countries, “said Tora Aasland.