
Pirate Party takes Over the Security of Wikileaks

– Wikileaks is very important for a functioning democracy, “says Anna Troberg deputy leader of the Pirate Party during the agreement on the taking care of servers of Wikileaks. Troberg also noted that democracy is not just the right to choose, it is also about to have free information so that you can make an informed choice. She proposed it can sometimes be achieved through information that those in power do not want people to have and Wikileaks has an important function to reach that kind of information.

On the other hand, Rick Falkvinge, leader of the Pirate Party stated they desire to contribute to any effort that increases transparency and accountability of power in the world and the contribution of WikiLeaks, in this sense, is tremendously important to the entire world.

The Pirate Party will provide bandwidth and hosting to WikiLeaks free of charge

Wikileaks has been under constant threat of being sabotaged by corrupt or abusive organisations trying to conceal the truth from the public. The Pirate Party’s offer was welcomed by Wikileaks’ spokesman Julian Assange.

– We welcome the help provided by the Pirate Party, says Julian Assange, spokesperson for WikiLeaks. Our organisations share many values and I am looking forward to future ways we can help each other improve the world.

– We see more opportunities down the road in cooperating with the Pirate Party, says Assange, and look forward to exploring those options.

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About Pirate Party in Sweden and the World

The Swedish Pirate Party was formed by Rickard Falkvinge, and he created the embryo of this site and mentioned the address once on a busy DirectConnect hub on January 1, 2006. Within two days, the site displayed three million hits, and the first thousand or so members joined up. The principles of the Pirate Party soon began to take shape, as more and more members joined up, and in February they were voted through in the 3.0 version, which you can read in several languages further down on this page. The reform of copyright laws, the abolishing of patents and working against installing more regulations, and remove the Data Retention Act, that are seriously threatening citizens' privacy are the only articles in the Pirate Party agenda.

The first Pirate party was the Swedish Piratpartiet. Other parties and groups were formed in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands, Poland, and Spain. In 2007, representatives of these parties met in Vienna, Austria to form an alliance and plan for the 2009 European Parliament elections. Further conferences were held in 2008 in Berlin and Uppsala, the latter leading to the “Uppsala Declaration” of a basic platform for the elections.

In September 2008, Andrew Norton (United States) was appointed as coordinator of the PPI collective. In August 2009 he stepped down and passed the function of coordinator over to the “coreteam” lead by Patrick Mächler and Samir Allioui.

On 18 April 2010 the Pirate Parties International was formally founded in Brussels at the PPI Conference from April 16 to 18.

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