
Nordic Cooperation Against Christmas Fires

The Nordic ministers have agreed on an enhanced cooperation in civil protection and emergency preparedness among the Nordic countries.
– It is crucial to have a closer Nordic cooperation in this area for a quick and effective management when incidents occur”, said Justice Minister Knut Storberget. At the ministerial meeting it was agreed to initiate a joint Nordic project on fire prevention measures. The project objective is to update the strategies and practical implementation of fire prevention in each country, as well as identify common fire-prevention projects.
– The most important effect of such a joint project is that the Nordic countries come closer to each other when it comes to understanding how we can prevent fires. All of us has a responsibility to think about fire safety. This is especially important during the Christmas and New Year celebrations ahead, “said Justice Minister Storberget.
At the meeting, it was also agreed to look into possibilities for a mutual exploitation of the Nordic countries’ emergency response resources to major national and international events.

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