Reading on a screen gives us more brain stress than reading the same text on paper. Clicking and scrolling interrupt our attentional focus. The risk of technical malfunction generates insecurity.
Turning and touching the pages instead of clicking on the screen influence our ability for experience and attention. The physical manipulations we have to do with a computer, not related to the reading itself, disturb our mental appreciation, says associate professor Anne Mangen at Stavanger University Center for Reading Research. She has investigated the pros and cons of new reading devices.
Physical text
In her article “Digital fiction reading: Haptics and immersion”, recently published in the Journal of Research in Reading, Mangen maintains that reading on a screen generates a new form of mental orientation. The reader loses both the completeness
and constituent parts of the physical appearance of the reading material. The physical substance of a book offers tranquility. The text does not move on the page like it does on a screen.
Reference: Daily Science