Bergens Tidende features the success of two Norwegian farmers on high mountains of Bergsdalen. The grower Ragna Lid and his husband Arnfinn Trøen crop so tasty carrots that there is a battle among the restaurants and hotels to buy them first.
Vegetables and strawberries grow more slowly here than elsewhere, explains Ragna and notes the advantages of the location which is five hundred meters above sea level.
The strawberry season is over and the couple produces mini carrots in various colors and sizes with gentle hands. At the wholesaler one bundle of these carrots costs over 70 NOK and one kilo costs 100 NOK, almost ten times more expensive than regular carrots.
Mainly gourmet restaurants and hotels in Bergen are among the customers of the couple.
– We are totally dependent on such local manufacturers to create a unique offer. It’s about chasing those who can deliver something special. If the right products are delivered, I think it is quite possible to live on such small-scale production, says Hanne Frosta- the owner of the local food restaurant Hanne på Høyden.
There is sometimes competition to get the tasty carrots and then the end up not supplying enough.
Producer Ragna Lid says small-scale production requires a lot of work. Considering all efforts, he thinks profitability is low.
Both restaurant and hotels in Norway would like to see that the farm could deliver more product.