
FrP is to Limit Sick Pay

Leader of the Progress Party’s Youth League, Himanshu Gulati said to Aftenposten that his party is against the full salary payment during sick leave. 

– Today a person with disability benefit can receive 66 percent of her salary, while a person who is on sick leave receives 100 percent salary. It is provoking that some must live with a 66 percent salary in life while others do not lose anything to be away one week. This makes short-term absences very attractive, says Gulati. 

He also suggests that Norway must take some steps to avoid ending up in Greece-trap

Leader in Sør-Trøndelag FRP, Roy Angelvik agrees with Gulati. He notes that the central board of the party has proposed the party to adopt the following wording in the upcoming national congress on Friday: “compensation during illness must be reduced so that it will be more profitable to work” .

About Sick Leave Rights in Norway  

Employees are entitled to self-declared sick leave by notifying their employer that they are unable to work due to illness without having to present a medical certificate. During the leave, the employees’ full slaary is paid. The main rule is that self-declared sick leave can be used for up to three calendar days at a time. For more than three calendar days employees must present a medical certificate from a doctor. Self-declared sick leave can be used four times in the course of a 12-month period.

If the employee are sick longer than the time allowed by the self-declaration, they must get in touch with a doctor in order to get a medical certificate. If the doctor regards sick leave necessary, he/she will issue a medical certificate for the required period. The doctor will also assess whether full sick leave (100 per cent) is required, or whether the person is able to perform some of your work and only need partial sick leave. 

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