Less than a year after Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary threatened to shut down all operations in Norway, he surprisingly announced on Tuesday that Ryanair will enter the domestic market in the country.
The Confederation of Vocational Unions (YS) leader Tore Eugen Kvalheim said to Dagsavisen that the main reason of resistance against Ryanair is employees’s disability to organize themselves and the company’s refusal of collective bargaining.
-We cannot let Ryanair treat the employees in Norwegian airspace in this way, says YS leader.
Vice president of Parat, the largest association of workers in Norwegian aviation sector, Vegard Einan also finds Ryanair unacceptable in Norway. He points out that Ryanair’s cabin crew earn under 8000 NOK per month- less than a pensioner earns.
Also first secretary of LO, Trine Lise Sundnes warns against letting the company get in Norway.
– Ryanair is an anti-union company and refuses their employees to organize and get in collective agreements. Norwegian authorities should not let such a company to enter the domestic market, said Sundnes to Klassekampen.