
Telenor’s Digital Winner makes paper receipts a thing of the past

“Our Digital Winner this year is a company that truly makes our lives more digital. dSafe offers an easy-to-use service that simplifies customers’ lives. The entire jury wanted to immediately adopt this service themselves and leave paper receipts behind in our digital dust,” said Rolv-Erik Spilling, EVP and Head of Telenor Digital Services, as well as the chairman of the 2012 Digital Winners jury.

“dSafe has already partnered with several major Norwegian retailers, and cooperates with Digipost on the distribution of the digital receipts. However, as a recipient of this prize, they will now get the opportunity for support from Telenor in expanding in Norway and beyond,” added Spilling.

Relevant for people’s lives

Digital Winners are selected based on how well they embody Telenor’s vision and values. Candidates for this prize should offer a service that inspires people to adopt digital lifestyles in a user-friendly way. dSafe has succeeded in creating a service that is relevant for people and adds convenience to their lives. It also enables a new link between the customer and the store in a digital arena.

“First of all I would like to thank Telenor for the prize. We have worked really hard to make a solution that’s easy to use for both customers and stores. The solution is very complex on our side, with a lot of integration with many partners to make this happen. With the help of all the attention we are getting from this prize, we can launch this service in the Nordic countries very soon,” said Daro Navaratnam, CEO and founder of dSafe.

Total of 44 applicants this year

This year, a total of 44 applicants from Sweden, Norway and Denmark competed for the Digital Winners Prize. From this pool of qualified contenders, the jury shortlisted the top five:

iZettle – Swedish mobile payment company
Soundrop – Norwegian music service
iFrapp – Norwegian do-it-yourself app builder
Magine – Swedish cloud-based TV service

“Our strong list of candidates shows the exciting growth we are now experiencing in the digital services area. Next year, I hope that this list grows to become a truly Nordic prize, with even more applicants from Denmark and Finland especially,” said Spilling.

As a part of the Digital Winners Prize, dSafe will receive NOK 200,000 and the opportunity to further develop their business in cooperation with Telenor Digital Services.

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