
New Sick Leave Rules Come in Force

– It is important that the employer and the workers on sick leave will meet early in the process and talk together. Follow-up plan is a good tool to ensure good cooperation between workers and employers, says Minister of Government Administration and Church Affairs Rigmor Aasrud.

According to the new regulations,

The employers must:

– facilitate the work situation in a dialogue with the employee.

– prepare a follow-up plan in collaboration with the employee as soon as possible and no later than four weeks after the employee is on sick leave. Follow-up plan to send doctor /

– hold a dialogue with the employee as soon as possible and no later than seven weeks after the employee is on sick leave

– report to NAV of the plan and meetings held within nine weeks after the employee is on sick leave. If this is not done, NAV send notice sanctions. If the employer after notice of sanctions does not report again within three weeks to comply with the obligations may be imposed a fee of 5,000 NOK for each violation

Workers must:

– work with employers to find solutions to prevent unnecessary long-term sick leave. Lack of participation from the employee side may cause stopping of sick leave.

– assist in the preparation and implementation of follow-up as early as possible and no later than four weeks after the employee is on sick leave

– participate in the dialogue under the auspices of the employer notice as soon as possible and no later than seven weeks after the employee is on sick leave

– provide information to employers and NAV about their own work and contribute to the evaluation and implementation of appropriate measures

– try in work-related activity

– participate in the dialogue under the auspices of the NAV after the notice.

Doctors must:

– evaluate the employee's ability to be fully or partially employed in connection with the disease.

– receive follow-up plan from the employer four weeks after the employee was on sick leave. Follow-up plan should be prepared by the employer, in cooperation with the employee on sick leave and include a plan to get the employee back to work, possible adaptation measures in the workplace, etc.

– participate in the dialogue under the auspices of the employer after the notice no later than seven weeks after the employee was on sick leave

– consider the possibility of work-related activity in eight weeks of sick leave.

– participate in the dialogue under the auspices of NAV after the notice

– in lack of participation to seven meetings can cause a fine of about 10 000 NOK.

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