The survey was done as part of the EU's Consumer Market Scoreboard, to measure how different markets function as seen from the consumer side with respect to transparency, trust and satisfaction.
The survey has been conducted in 27 EU countries in addition to Norway. 50 different industries within the categories of consumer goods, individual services and subscription services have been rated by 500 customers in each market in each country.
Good Drinking, Poor Banking
While Norway tops the pole with beverages, gasoline and funeral services, European consumers are most satisfied with the market for books, magazines and newspapers.
– The results of the survey show that consumers value most in markets that are transparent where it is easy to assess the quality and price. The survey gives a good picture of what consumers experience when they buy a product or service in certain markets. The report provides important information for both industry and government, “said the Minister of Children and Equality, Audun Lysbakken.
The least favored sectors of Norwegian market are financial services, real estate and telecommunications services. These services were also scored poorly in Europe,.
– The findings of industries that have low scores are consistent with the complaint statistics to the consumer authorities. We must look at each market to analyze why some do it worse than others, says Lysbakken.
Minister Audun Lysbakken believe that the survey can be used to reinforce the position of consumers, and contribute to better services and goods.
Look at the full list of consumer satisfaction list according to the sectors.