
Unemployment Getting Stable in September

– The decrease in the number of unemployed is mainly due to increasing number of people in labor market, “said Labor and Welfare Director Tor Saglie.

Although unemployment is now rising more slowly than it did earlier in this year, there is still great uncertainty regarding the direction of development.

– In particular, this applies to parts of the industry, “said Saglie.

Improved Measures Level

In the end of September, 16 900 people joined in the mainstream labor market, with an increase of 6 500 persons (62%) since last September. The sum of unemployed and ordinary measures of participants have increased by 1 500 persons in the previous month adjusting for normal seasonal fluctuations.

The Greatest Increase in the Construction Industry

It’s building and construction trades who have had the biggest rise in unemployment over the past year. Here it is 4 600 more unemployed (126%) than it was a year ago. The greatest increase in unemployment has been among the electricians and plumbers. For these occupations are more than three times as many seats now as it was last September.

Also the number of employed engineers and ICT workers were doubled compared to the last year.In particular, growth has been great for civil engineers and civil architects and technicians.

Within the public sector, the level of unemployment is very low. Unemployment rate in teaching professions is as low as only 0.7 percent of the workforce. It is followed by health, nursing and caring professions with 1.1 percent.

Fewer Job Posts

In September of this year, 27 percent less job position per were announced than the last September. The decline is particularly within the engineering and ICT disciplines, office work and brokers and consultants. On the other hand, the least decline has been for the teaching professions, health, nursing and caring professions and construction trades.

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