Christian Democrats (KrF) enters into budget negotiation with a family financial support package. The party wants the package to be financed with taxes from candy, tobacco and alcohol.
The family package includes increased child benefit and incentives for kindergartens.
Families will get cash support with kindergartens and have better permits, according to NRK.
– It is an effort to make everyday life easier for the families,” says KrF leader Knut Arild Hareide.
To finance the initiative, the party will increase the taxes on tobacco, alcohol, candy,soda and certain environmental areas.
The idea came after the head of the Parliement’s Health and Care Committee, Olaug Bollestad was annoyed by the competetive pricing of candy before Halloween, Aftenposten writes.
Soda and candy has the same level of VAT, like milk, cheese and bread, 15 percent. KrF will increase the VAT on candy and soft drinks by 10 percentage points.
KrF is not member of the coalition government but the minority goverment needs KrF’s support to get approval of the budget and other legistlations.