Christian Democratic Party (KrF) withdrew from coalition talks with the government yesterday and has left the right wing- conservative cabinet as a minority government.
KrF’s decision will for sure make it more difficult for Solberg and her partner party FrP to get suupport on both financial and social policy proposals. Even lack of the majority in this scenario can end up with early ending of the coalition.
Solberg’s cabinet has been in power as a minority government with the right wing populist FrP since 2013 with the external support of KrF and Liberals (Venstre). Solberg hoped to keep this external support to reach majority in their policy proposals but KrF declared they will never support a government with FrP again due to FrP’s harsh immigration rhetoric and controversial financial policies. Even though Liberals will continue to support the government, it is not enough for the imobrity government to reach majority without KrF’s support.
Under these circumstances, the government might not be able survive for a long time as they will have challenges in passing proposals and fiscal plans that will be presented in 2018.