Reindeers that cross the border from Sweden to Norway creates a conflict between the Norwegian and Swedish Ministry of Agriculture.
Norwegian Agriculture Minister Jon Georg Dale has already started working to find a new agreement that could set a limit on the number of reindeer crossing the border from Sweden, writes NRK.
– The challenge is that the number of Swedish reindeers in Norwegian grazing areas is growing, while we have to regulate reindeer husbandry on the Norwegian side because we do not have enough grazing area,” writes the Norwegian Agriculture Minister on a letter to Swedish authorities.
The previous agreement regulating grazing between the two countries was signed in 1972, but expired in 2005. Thus, Norwegian and Swedish authorities administer the regulations in two different ways. This has for a long time led to great conflict and high temperature in the area.
Swedish authorities have not agreed on a proposed extension of the agreement, but asked to conclude with negotiations.
For this Dale blames Sweden for falling in this situation.
Swedish Sami Parliament president Per Olof Nutti on the othr hand criticizes Dale for not having ay information about the issue.