Francis is afraid the crisis may lead to a nuclear clash and this can cause a good part of humanity would be destroyed.
He also said he was ready to meet Donald Trump when he is in Europe next month but Trump did not show any interest or made a request for a meeting so far.
Pope Francis called all leaders to work to seek a solution to problems through the path of diplomacy.
– There are so many facilitators in the world, there are mediators who offer themselves, such as Norway for example,” he said according to Reuters.
Norway has played an active role as a third party mediator in a number of international conflicts. The late foreign minister Johan Jørgen Holst was instrumental in forging the Oslo Accords between Israel and Palestine. Thorvald Stoltenberg was part of the unsuccessful mediation team in seeking an end to the war in Bosnia.
Last year a peace agreement for Colombia has been signed in Havana, after four years of negotiation presided over by hosts Cuba and Norway.
Also Norwegian diplomats have actively involved in mediation in Sudan, Bosnia, Sri Lanka, and Colombia.
Some of those countries like Sri Lanka accuse Norway of supporting separatist groups in its negotiating efforts. Israel is often bitter with harsh criticisms from Norwegian politicians.
Eritrea has been actively supported by Norway during its liberation from Ethiopia. Six Norwegian diplomats were expelled from the country due to Norway’s alleged support to seperatist groups in Eritrea.