
First Time in Norway: Christian Democrats Leader and Church Council Leader at Pride Parade

Both Hareida and Gunleiksrud attend to Pride parade on Saturday, writes Dagen. 

They have been motivated after Orlando-attack and they think it is important to highlight opposition to hate violence.

Hareide said he wants to show his support against violence by participating in the Oslo Pride parade this Saturday.

– Although we may disagree in some forms of expressions or political issues, it is important for me to attend to show that we Christian Democrats stand together with them in the fight against violence, against harassment and discrimination, said Hareide.

Deputy Mayor of Bergen, Marita Moltu says to Dagen that people feel a strong pressure to participate in the parade:

– There is strong pressure on that if you do not go to Pride, you are perceived as someone against LGTB, and that you do not fight for inclusion, diversity and LGTB rights, she says and adds:

– I am against such pressure to go on parade, and that you are labeled as homophobic for not doing it.

She says it is a challenging issue for many:

– Whatever you say, it is misinterpreted, says Moltu.


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