
First Election Poll Surprises Labor Party

Ipsos MMI’s October poll for Dagbladet reveals that Labor Party has gained 2 percent increase up to 32 percent, while the current coalition parties Høyre has support of 28, 6 percent, and FRP increases by 0.4 percentage points to 14.9 percent.

The former government partner Socialist Left Party (SV) also manages to stay over the threshold of 4.2 percent, with a 0.4 percentage points increase, while the Centre Party (Sp) loses 0.7 percentage points ending with a 4.4 percent support level.

On the other end of the measurement, the last election’s biggest surprise Green Party loses 1.3 percentage points compared to September and has support of 2.3 percent. Also the Christian Democratic Party (KrF) receives 5.4 percent and Liberals (Venstre) remains stable with support of 5.5 percent.

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