After TV2 revelaed last week that a Chinese military hacker group connected to Chinese government is behind cyber attacks against sensitive targets in Norway, National Security Authority deputy Eiliv Ofigsbø today said Norwegian companies have probably lost contracts because of computer espionage.
According to Ofigsbo, at least 20 of these serious cyber attacks can be traced back to China.
– The consequence of espionage cases may be losing data or losing the contract negotiations. We have seen concrete examples of Norwegian companies probably have lost as a result of these espionage activities. Our organization works with a number of Norwegian firms, and we know a number of those who have been subjected to such attacks, says Ofigsbø to TV2.
Ofisbo also noted that particularly high-tech firms, defense and oil and gas industries are the most severely affected ones by the attacks. Some in the energy sector have also been attacked. He says the U.S. report, designated “Unit 61398” also shows the Chinese military as responsible for an attack aimed at a larger company on Norwegian soil.
– Since 2008, the number of cases increased by 30 percent each year. The past year was particularly remarked with the increased serious cases, including espionage cases, says he.
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