
Historic Turn in Norwegian Christian Democratic Party

KrF leader announced his party’s strategy for the upcoming elections in 2013. In his speech, Hareide revealed a historic change for the Christian Democrats.

He said they are ready to cooperate with any party including Progress Party in a non-socialist government. He also noted their priority is a coalition government with Høyre (Conservatives) and Venstre (Liberal Party) but they are ready to support a coalition between Høyre and Frp.

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Frp politican Per Sandberg: – There is not much difference between Frp and Liberals (Venstre)

About Frp

The Progress Party (Fremskrittspartiet) is described as conservative and right-wing populist. Ever since its foundation, other parties have consistently refused the Progress Party’s efforts to join any governing coalition at the state level. The reasons have mainly included concerns about the party’s alleged position on immigration issues. From the second half of the 1980s the economic and welfare aspects of immigration policy were mainly a focus of Progress Party criticism, including the strains placed by immigration on the welfare state. During the 1990s the party shifted to focus more on cultural and ethnic issues and conflicts. In 1993, it was the first party in Norway to use the notion of “integration politics” in its party programme. 

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