
Labor Party Falls, while Progress Party Rises in New Poll

Right stands roughly at a standstill. In Sunnmørsposten party standings for August, Ap is back by 3 percentage points from July compared to 31.2 percent support. Frp rises up from 16.3 percent to 19.2 percent. Høyre moves just under 30 percent, with a decline of 0.7 percentage points to 29.6. The poll was conducted by Sentio at the period of 21 to 27 august, after 22 July Commission had submitted its report.

Parliament member Else-May Botten (Ap) acknowledges that the report criticized the Ap which is probably recorded in the survey.
– The government has been humbled by the report pointing out mistakes and is proactive when it comes to grabbing them. But 22 July is an event that will pursue us, she says.

SV increases its support from 2.9 to 3.9, while Venstre loses almost equivalent: from 4.4 to 3.5. Sp goes back 0.4 percentage points to 4.4 percent. KrF put on 0.8 percent to 4.7 percent. Rødt is unchanged, 1.7 percent.

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